Create Nft Collection and Mint Nfts

In this topic you will know how to create new Nft collection and mint new Nfts using TonSDK.Net

For example, we will use WalletV4. You can find more examples for different contracts here.

Create new collection

First of all, you will need to create a collection using NftCollection class in TonSdk.Contracts.nft:

// create http parameters for ton client 
HttpParameters tonClientParams = new HttpParameters 
    Endpoint = "",
    ApiKey = "xxx" 

// create ton client to fetch data and send boc
TonClient tonClient = new TonClient(TonClientType.HTTP_TONCENTERAPIV2, tonClientParams);

// create new mnemonic or use existing
Mnemonic mnemonic = new Mnemonic();

// create wallet options
WalletV4Options options = new WalletV4Options()
    PublicKey = mnemonic.Keys.PublicKey,

// create wallet instance
WalletV4 wallet = new WalletV4(optionsV4, 2); 

// define nft collections options
NftCollectionOptions opts = new NftCollectionOptions()
    OwnerAddress = wallet.Address, // collection owner address
    RoyaltyAddress = wallet.Address, // address to receiving royalty payments
    CollectionContentUri = "", // collection metadata
    NftItemContentBaseUri = "", // nft content base
    Royalty = 0.1 // 10%, for example 0.05 - 5%, 0.3 - 30% etc

// create new NftCollection instance using options
NftCollection collection = new NftCollection(opts);

// getting seqno using tonClient
uint? seqno = await tonClient.Wallet.GetSeqno(wallet.Address);

// creating collection deploy message
var msg = wallet.CreateTransferMessage(new[]
    new WalletTransfer
        Message = new InternalMessage(new InternalMessageOptions
            Info = new IntMsgInfo(new IntMsgInfoOptions
                Dest = collection.Address,
                Value = new Coins(0.05)
            Body = null,
            StateInit = collection.StateInit
        Mode = 3 // message mode
}, seqno ?? 0).Sign(m.Keys.PrivateKey);

// send this message via TonClient
await client.SendBoc(msg.Cell);

// print collection contract address

Mint new nfts

After that collection created, you can create nft mint message using CreateMintRequest method:

// we will use same wallet and collection instance like in prev code block

// create nft mint options
NftMintOptions mintOptions = new NftMintOptions()
    ItemIndex = 0, // item index to mint, if collection is empty then 0
    Amount = new Coins(0.05), // amount send to nft item contract
    ItemOwnerAddress = wallet.Address, // address which will own new nft
    ItemContentUri = "0.json" // nft content will be splitted with {baseUri}{contentUri} 

// create nft mint request body
Cell nftMintBody = NftCollection.CreateMintRequest(mintOptions);

// getting seqno using tonClient
uint? seqno = await tonClient.Wallet.GetSeqno(wallet.Address);

// creating mint message
var msg = wallet.CreateTransferMessage(new[]
    new WalletTransfer
        Message = new InternalMessage(new InternalMessageOptions
            Info = new IntMsgInfo(new IntMsgInfoOptions
                Dest = collection.Address,
                Value = new Coins(0.05)
            Body = nftMintBody
        Mode = 3 // message mode
}, seqno ?? 0).Sign(m.Keys.PrivateKey);

// send this message via TonClient
await client.SendBoc(msg.Cell);

// print item address
Console.WriteLine(await client.Nft.GetItemAddress(collection.Address, 0));

Last updated

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