

CellSlice represents slice - a special object which allows you to read from a cell.

CellSlice instance can be create via constructor with speceifing Cell or directly via Cell mutation with using method Parse:

Cell cell; // source cell

CellSlice slice = new CellSlice(cell);
// or
CellSlice slice = cell.Parse();

Its prefer to use Parse method when you want to parse cell into slice. It will make you code more readable and shorten.

Below you can see the methods what can be used.

  • SkipRefs(int size) - skips specified refs count and return new slice

  • SkipRef - skip one ref and return new slice

  • SkipOptRef - firstly load one bit, if it true skip ref, return new slice

  • ReadRefs(int size) - read specified refs count and return Cell[] without slice mutation

  • ReadRef- read one ref and return Cell without slice mutation

  • ReadOptRef - firstly read one bit, if it true read ref and return it, otherwise return null, without slice mutation

  • LoadRefs(int size) - load specified refs count and return Cell[]

  • LoadRef - read one ref and return Cell

  • LoadOptRef - firstly load one bit, if it true load ref and return it, otherwise return null

Cell cell;
CellSlice slice = cell.Parse();


Cell[] refs1 = slice.ReadRefs(3); // slice won`t be mutated
Cell[] refs2 = slice.LoadRefs(3); // slice will be mutated

Cell ref1 = slice.ReadRef(); // slice won`t be mutated
Cell ref2 = slice.LoadRef(); // slice will be mutated

  • ReadDict(HasmapOptions opt) - read and return HashmapE with specified HashmapOptions, without slice mutation

  • LoadDict(HasmapOptions opt) - laod and return HashmapE with specified HashmapOptions

// example hashmap options
HashmapOptions<uint, CellSlice> hmOptions = new HashmapOptions<uint, CellSlice>()
    KeySize = 32,
    Serializers = new HashmapSerializers<uint, CellSlice>
        Key = k => new BitsBuilder(32).StoreUInt(k, 32).Build(),
        Value = v => new CellBuilder().Build()
    Deserializers = new HashmapDeserializers<uint, CellSlice>
        Key = k => (uint)k.Parse().LoadUInt(32),
        Value = v => v.Parse()
HashmapE<uint, CellSlice> hashmap1 = cell.Parse().ReadDict(hmOptions); // slice won`t be mutated
HashmapE<uint, CellSlice> hashmap2 = cell.Parse().LoadDict(hmOptions); // slice will be mutated

  • SkipBits(int size) - skips specified bits count and return new slice

  • SkipBit - skip one bit and return new slice

  • ReadBits(int size) - read specified bits count and return Bits without slice mutation

  • ReadBit- read one bit and return bool without slice mutation

  • LoadBits(int size) - load specified bits count and return Bits

  • LoadBit - read one bit and return bool

Cell cell;
CellSlice slice = cell.Parse();


Bits bits1 = slice.ReadBits(8); // slice won`t be mutated
Bits bits2 = slice.LoadBits(8); // slice will be mutated

bool bit = slice.ReadBit(); // slice won`t be mutated
bool bit = slice.LoadBit(); // slice will be mutated

  • ReadUint(int size) - read uint with spicified size and return BigInteger without slice mutation

  • LoadUint(int size) - load uint with spicified size and return BigInteger

  • ReadInt(int size) - read int with spicified size and return BigInteger without slice mutation

  • LoadInt(int size) - load int with spicified size and return BigInteger

  • ReadUInt32LE - read uint in Little-Endian order and return BigInteger without slice mutation

  • LoadUInt32LE - load uint in Little-Endian order and return BigInteger

  • ReadUInt64LE - read ulong in Little-Endian order and return BigInteger without slice mutation

  • LoadUInt64LE - load ulong in Little-Endian order and return BigInteger

Cell cell;
CellSlice slice = cell.Parse();

uint a = (uint)slice.ReadUint(32); // slice won`t be mutated
long b = (long)slice.LoadInt(64); // slice will be mutated

  • ReadCoins(int decimals = 9) - read and return Coins with specified decimals count, without slice mutation

  • LoadCoins(int decimals = 9) - load and return Coins with specified decimals count

Cell cell;
CellSlice slice = cell.Parse();

Coins coins1 = slice.ReadCoins(); // slice won`t be mutated
Coins coins2 = slice.LoadCoins(16); // slice will be mutated

  • ReadVarUInt(int length) - read VarUInt with spicified length and return BigInteger without slice mutation

  • LoadVarUInt(int length) - loadVarUInt with spicified length and return BigInteger

  • ReadVarInt(int length) - read VarInt with spicified length and return BigInteger without slice mutation

  • LoadVarInt(int length) - loadVarInt with spicified length and return BigInteger

Cell cell;
CellSlice slice = cell.Parse();

BigInteger a = slice.ReadVarUInt(16); // slice won`t be mutated
BigInteger b = slice.LoadVarInt(16); // slice will be mutated

  • ReadAddress - read and return Address, without slice mutation

  • LoadAddress - load and return Address

Cell cell;
CellSlice slice = cell.Parse();

Address addr1 = slice.ReadAddress(); // slice won`t be mutated
Address addr2 = slice.LoadAddress(); // slice will be mutated

  • ReadBytes(int size) - read and return byte[], without slice mutation

  • LoadBytes(int size) - load and return byte[]

Cell cell;
CellSlice slice = cell.Parse();

byte[] arr1 = slice.ReadBytes(32); // slice won`t be mutated
byte[] arr2 = slice.LoadBytes(16); // slice will be mutated

  • ReadString - read all remainder bytes and return as string, without slice mutation

  • ReadString(int size) - read size bytes and return as string, without slice mutation

  • LoadString - load all remainder bytes and return as string

  • LoadString(int size) - load size bytes and return as string, without slice mutation

Cell cell;
CellSlice slice = cell.Parse();

string str1 = slice.ReadString(); // slice won`t be mutated
string str2 = slice.ReadString(32); // slice won`t be mutated
string str3 = slice.LoadString(); // slice will be mutated
string str4 = slice.LoadString(16); // slice will be mutated

You can restore remainder data as Cell using RestoreRemainder:

Cell cell;
CellSlice slice = cell.Parse();

Coins coins = slice.LoadCoins(16);
uint count = (uint)slice.LoadUint(32);

Cell remainderCell = slice.RestoreRemainder(); // return remainder data as cell

also you can restore source cell using Restore:

Cell cell;
CellSlice slice = cell.Parse();

int count = (int)slice.LoadInt(32);

Cell srcCell = slice.Restore(); // return source cell

Its also possible to clone current slice with using Clone:

Cell cell;
CellSlice slice = cell.Parse();
CellSlice sliceCopy = cell.Clone(); // will return new slice with same data

Last updated

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