

CellBuilder - a special class which allows you to write data and build a cell.

CellBuilder instance can be create via constructor with optional int length parameter:

CellBuilder builder1 = new CellBuilder(); // by default, length = 1023
CellBuilder builder2 = new CellBuilder(512);

You can build CellBuilder instance into Cell using Build method:

CellBuilder builder = new CellBuilder();

// example data
builder.StoreUInt(0, 32);
builder.StoreUInt(_subwalletId, 32);

// building into cell
Cell cell = builder.Build();

To make code more readable and shorten, its prefer to use in one statement:

Cell cell = new CellBuilder()
    .StoreUInt(0, 32)
    .StoreUInt(_subwalletId, 32)

In docs we will use larger code for education purposes, but its prefer to use shorten version of code, implemented in previous code block.

Below you can see the methods what can be used.

  • StoreRefs(Cell[] refs) - get array of Cell[] and store them in builder

  • StoreRef(Cell ref) - get one ref as Cell and store it in builder

  • StoreOptRef(Cell ref) - get one ref as Cell and store it in builder, also stores one bit (will be true, if ref not null, otherwise false)

Cell[] refs = /* your refs as Cell[] */;

CellBuilder builder = new CellBuilder();

  • StoreCellSlice(CellSlice slice) - get CellSlice and store it in builder

  • StoreBitsSlice(BitsSlice slice) - get BitsSlice and store it in builder

  • StoreDict(HashmapE<K, V> hashmap) - get HashmapE<K,V> and store it in builder

CellSlice slice = /* your CellSlice */;
HashmapE<K, V> hashmap = /* your HashmapE<K, V> */;

CellBuilder builder = new CellBuilder();
builder.StoreCellSlice(hashmap.Build().Parse()); // you also can store hashmap as slice

  • StoreBits(Bits bits) - get Bits and store it in builder

  • StoreBits(BitsArray bitsArray) - get BitsArray and store it in builder

  • StoreBits(string bitsArray) - get string representation ofBitsArray and store it in builder

  • StoreBit(bool bit) - get bool as bit value and store it in builder

Bits bits = new Bits(); // your Bits instance

CellBuilder builder = new CellBuilder();

  • StoreBytes(byte[] value) - get byte[] and store it in builder

  • StoreByte(byte value) - get onebyte and store it in builder

  • StoreString(string value) - get string , convert it to bytes and store in builder

byte[] bytes = /* your byte[] data */
string greeting = "Hello TON!";

CellBuilder builder = new CellBuilder();

StoreUInt(ulong value, int size) - get ulong value and int size, and store value in builder

StoreUInt(BigInteger value, int size) - get BigInteger value and int size, and store value in builder

StoreInt(long value, int size) - get long value and int size, and store value in builder

StoreInt(BigInteger value, int size) - get BigInteger value and int size, and store value in builder

StoreUInt32LE(uint value) - get uint value, and store it in builder in Little-Endian order

StoreUInt64LE(ulong value) - get ulong value, and store it in builder in Little-Endian order

CellBuilder builder = new CellBuilder();

builder.StoreUInt(0, 32);
builder.StoreInt(long.MaxValue, 64);

StoreAddress(Address? address) - get Address and store it in builder

StoreCoins(Coins coins) - get Coins and store it in builder

StoreVarUInt(BigInteger value, int length) - get BigInteger value of VarUInt and int length, and store value in builder

StoreVarInt(BigInteger value, int length) - get BigInteger value of VarInt and int length, and store value in builder

Address address = new Address(/* any address */);
Coins coins = new Coins(10);
CellBuilder builder = new CellBuilder();

builder.StoreVarUInt(coins.ToBigInt(), 16);

Last updated

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